Monday, October 12, 2015

Fractions Flip Book...

OK, so today we reinforced fractions, by making a Fractions Flip Book.

As you've seen in the past, this is how we do school (on my bed)...

Yay, the three books are done! Even our dog, Summer, got in on the act...she's so stinkin cute, lol!!

Here are clearer pics of the finished product.

Sorry, for some reason, I can't get this pic to rotate :(

And there you have it folks!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Home Ec Class - Making Dinner...

Ok, so today we had a little Home Ec class. Claudia was happily measuring/mixing ingredients, using the measuring cup & measuring spoon, that all went into the pressure cooker for dinner (beef stew).

While the meat was cooking, she chopped up some veggies that go in half way through cooking time.

Sadly, I haven't used my pressure cooker in A LONNGGG time & I totally forgot to turn down the heat once the pressure got high enough, so the meat burned a little on the bottom...poop!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Dunedin Fine Arts Museum - Field Trip with GGM

Today was a happy field trip day. Our homeschooling group went on a tour at the Dunedin Fine Arts Museum. They had some beautiful pieces there. We lived in Pinellas County for most of my kids' lives, but we had never taken the time to go to the local museum, so I was grateful for today's opportunity (it's always more fun when you go with your friends, right?).

Here are some of the photos we liked the most from the exhibit.

The colors in this one are amazing!

We thought it was excellent how the photographer was able to capture the coral underwater, while capturing the shoreline simultaneously.

What can I say about this? Hmmm...comes to mind, LOL! This was part of the "Beauty and the Beast" exhibit - hmmm...I wonder why, LOL.

Claudia found this piece particularly amusing (it's a blowup!).

This is one of those pieces that you look at and is definitely in the eye of the beholder, LOL! It's a hot, crazy mess, but's cool at the same time. I didn't take a pic of the back, but it's equally as jumbled as the front.

This piece was pretty interesting.

This was at the entrance to the kids "hands on" section - it's awesome!

This piece, I found out, was done by the summer camp was AMAZING!!


This is the kids "hands on" section - they have some seriously cool stations, where the kids can be creative!

This one I threw in here, because everyone seemed to like it. There was a whole discussion about the differences between a squid and an octopus. Both have 8 arms, but octopus have rounder (more bolbus) heads and squid have more triangular, longer heads. Squid also have 2 fins and 2 tentacles, with octopus do not. So there's your short lesson for the day, hehe!

At the end of the tour, the kids got to draw on round white card stock, which were then made into their own personal badges...pretty cool!

We had a great day!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fractions Kit...

This is how we homeschool when we can: in bed, in comfy clothes, barefoot, while playing soft piano music in the background...gotta love it!!

Here's our first math project...Claudia made a fractions kit - what a great way for kids to "visualize" how the different parts add up!

Here's the finished product...

None of these parts are glued onto the poster board, because she's going to need them for her math lessons. I just laid them out, so I could show off her finished product. Each "kit" is housed in their respective envelope (shown in each pic).

I'm not going to was tedious, but well worth the sense of accomplishment. Claudia said, "I never understood fractions before, now I feel like I'm learning something"...makes my heart proud!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The first of many...

Hello All,

For anyone wanting to keep up with the Rivera clan, here's the first of hopefully many posts. It's going to be a little long, but bear with me - here goes...

This is the year that I finally decided to start homeschooling my middle daughter, Claudia. She was never a straight A student in public school, in fact, she struggled for several years, but I didn't realize the extent of her deficits until we started homeschooling. My decision to homeschool Claudia came after several years of hearing my cousins talk about their HS experiences. Because Claudia was struggling, I had wanted to take her out of "school" for quite some time, but I, myself, was struggling through Nursing School, so it was just wasn't possible. Now things are different. I graduated from Nursing School at the beginning of this year, so now I have the time to dedicate to helping her get on track with "her" studies.

Anyone who has ever been through Nursing School can attest to the fact that "it's a *itch". Now, add to that: 2 kids still living at home (my stepson wasn't with us yet), running a business with my husband, all the household duties (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc) and trying to give everyone the attention they all needed...needless to say, I was a "hot mess"!

I didn't know if I was coming or going most days. There were several bday parties, play dates, events in general that my girls had to miss because I simply couldn't do it all. On numerous occasions, my girls told me how much they missed "hanging out with mom", which of course, broke my heart.

Little background: my oldest daughter just turned 23 & lives on her own. My youngest daughter, Sophia is in 3rd grade in public school, as is my stepson, Cristian (17) - he very recently came to live with us.

Since I now have the time to dedicate to "life", I decided that this was the perfect time to start homeschooling. Claudia just started 6th grade (the ugly middle school years). Two huge factors pushed me to finally dive in: she was struggling in school academically and she'd been bullied in school in the past. The thought of the caddy middle school girls was horrifying!

Sophia is such a different personality. She actually likes "school" (probably more so because she's a social butterfly). Happily, this is the first year that I actually LOVE her teacher!! This is the first time she's had a male teacher and he has some really awesome teaching methods. I'm over the moon with this year's 3rd grade teacher!! I have to boast about him, because he's great, but no worries, that's where it ends - I'm happily married, LOL!! He just makes me feel so much better about the fact that I kept Sophia in public school, instead of pulling BOTH girls out of "school".

I wanted to start homeschooling with Claudia FIRST for the reasons I just listed above. Since Sophia is younger, I wanted to start with Claudia - spend some much needed "mom/daughter" time with her and hopefully work out all the kinks of homeschooling with her BEFORE adding Sophia to the mix and so far, so good...yay!!

We got a little bit of a slow start with "schooling", but now I'm feeling like this is actually going to be great! She's learning some much needed grammar, catching up on her reading and happily zipping through math (hooray...she actually learned SOMETHING in public school all these years!).

We became involved in a local homeschooling group that has been WONDERFUL!! It's a group of AWESOME folks with the same goals, who are ridiculously willing to help with any questions/issues - I can't say enough about them!! I don't want to mention the group's name, in case there are rules against that, so sshhh...I'll have to find out.

So, on to the reason I'm share our homeschooling journey, so please follow along with us!!